Inspiring a Generation
HVH ARTS is a registered charity inspiring a generation of young people by offering them a gateway to the arts. By funding after and out of school classes in primary and secondary state schools in England, the Foundation provides children with the inspiration and tools to develop lifelong artistic passions.
Our team of teachers and arts professionals offer a series of ten-week courses at after school clubs and during school holidays. The courses cover subjects in all medium of the arts, graffiti street art, photography, film making, music sculpting, drama, song writing and poetry. Please see ‘courses’ section for a full list of our available courses.
The Foundation also provides primary and secondary state schools in England with arts-related materials and funds out of school trips and excursions.
The Foundation is funded through donations and fundraising events and holds an annual exhibition featuring the best work from the year’s arts courses.
Young people need positive outlets for their energy. HVH ARTS can provide that outlet.
NEXT GENERATION – inspiring our future generation with HVH ARTS!